Always up to date.

Our goal is to develop procedure and anatomy specific devices that lead in collaboration with our customers to predictable and superior treatment outcomes. Read on to learn more about our solutions, priorities, partnerships and how we create sustainable value with our teams.

First episode of the "Restoring Quality of Life" stories implemented

True to our Purpose we will publish more patient cases next year. Working closely with surgeons, we want to help patients return to their normal lives.

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On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, Medartis AG publishes its first corporate chronicle.

In 1997, Thomas Straumann had a bold idea. Together with his childhood friend Willi Miesch, he founded Medartis AG and entered directly into the highly competitive osteosynthesis market. With their...

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Medartis acquires Nextremity Solutions Inc.

We are pleased to announce the aquisition of Nextremity Solutions Inc., a Warsaw (US) based orthopedic company which develops and markets for the treatment of bone fractures and deformities.

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